How Does FFAN Help?
Foster Families Assistance Network (FFAN) helps acquire necessary items to assist foster families in their efforts to have successful placements. Learn More

How Can YOU Help FFAN?
FFAN relies fully on our vast network of concerned individuals to assist with our mission of helping parents help the children placed in their care. Get Involved

What does FFAN need?
While special needs often arise and are posted on our Facebook page, we are always taking in donated items and monetary support. Learn More
“Every child deserves a champion — an adult who will never give up on them, who understands the power of connection and insists that they become the best they can possibly be.”
– Rita F. Pierson
The Why of What We Do
In 2014, Anthony and his wife, Laura, started the process of Fostering to adopt. Admittedly, Anthony knew little to nothing about foster care at that time. In October of 2014, Anthony and Laura were placed with their two wonderful children who they later adopted in April of 2015. Through that process, the Poteet’s recognized several areas in the system that simply were not beneficial to their children. Early in 2016, Anthony decided to take the step of starting FFAN to assist foster families in acquiring the items they need to help create a secure environment for the kiddos in care. Placements typically happen in emergency or quick situations where parents simply do not have enough time to acquire the items they need to support a child or multiple children. Our early goal was to eliminate the stress of acquiring “stuff” so parents could focus on the stabilization of the environment for the children in their care.

Donate Financially
Have Items to Donate?
Foster Families Assistance Network is changing lives one moment at a time.
Be the Change.
FFAN’s unique use of social media to network in the community makes it possible to acquire the items necessary to assist foster families in their efforts to have successful placements. When a foster family or foster agency contacts FFAN with a need, FFAN immediately sends out a social media pos on its page as well as in several individual groups on social media outlining the needs. Using this method, FFAN has, in some cases, been able to provide entire vehicle loads of items within a matter of Horus.
Placements are usually not known until they happen, and most children show up with what they are wearing and that is it. FFAN’s ability to provide needs quickly is key to the success of our program.

FFAN absolutely relies on a vast network of concerned individuals who, in most cases, are able to help when needs are posted. It is imperative that our network continues to grow and expand into more areas around Tennessee. Joining our network is easy. Simply Like our Facebook page. When needs ae posed, you can support our platform by either donating the need, liking our post, or sharing with your own friend group.
FFAN’s Mission since 2016…
FFAN’s Mission is to provide essential resources such as clothing, personal care items, undergarments, toys, etc. to help ensure the success of a foster, kinship, or adoptive kiddo placement. We have a resource center at 313 West Main Street in Hendersonville, Tennessee, where the above families can come in, select the items they need or want, and get those items at no cost to them.

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